A little more about me
I was born in the small town of Bariloche, Argentina. At the age of 13 we moved to Sydney, Australia where I spent my teenage years adapting to a new culture. The main challenge became full time school in a completely new language (English). But, in retrospective, it became a massive learning experience by challenging me to adapt in a new culture. This experience is the reason why English became almost my first language.
At the age of 16 we moved back to Bariloche, but I decided I wanted to travel to new places, learn new cultures, its languages and traditions. After finishing school I moved 1500km to a city in Argentina (Cordoba) to pursue my dream studies in Design.
During my student years I completed my bachelor in graphic design as well as my first master in industrial design. While doing so, I also completed studies in publicity and marketing, as well as UX/IXD, analog photography and a few other. I started teaching in the same university to first year students and it became one of my biggest satisfactions.
On 2022 I moved to Europe to travel and in search of a place to study another master with the chance of opening new doors. When I arrived to the Netherlands I became in love with the country, the old architecture and country side windmills combined with the new and modern designs, like Rotterdam. The cultural diversity that integrates communities but gives them freedom to show their traditions and their foods, and the freedom of riding a bike everywhere.
I enrolled in Amsterdam University of Applied Science to do a Master in digital design; the program was practical with real life scenarios allowing me to learn new tools and expand my knowledge.
This decision also came with challenges as the language, the different foods and the weather during winter. But that is what life is about… Finding new and interesting things to learn, as how to ride a bike in ice, or a new program like touchdesigner.
Master digital design · HVA – Amsterdam University of Applied Science
Master industrial design · National University of Cordoba, Argentina
Bachelor graphic design · La Metro (school of design and communication)
Expert in design of user experience and interactions (UX/IXD) · UBA.BA (University of Buenos Aires)
Marketing and advertisement analyst · CEICOS (Cordoba, Argentina)
- English Proficiency – Cambridge C2
- Spanish Native
- Italian A1
- Dutch A1-A2

Gabriela Fer - TotalSport e-commerce manager

Luciana Enea - Dolce & Ricco business owner